Last Story Time

Today wrapped up the last story time of the summer, so it will be next summer (likely) before we sit and listen to Mrs. Carolyn read on a regular schedule.
The library does offer a family story time on a week day evening, but I know what school evenings are like for one kid, so add another and I can't imagine trying to add in an evening activity once a week along with dinner and showers.
This won't be the last time we go to the library this summer as we checked out books today, and they have the Back To School event in August where the kids get to ride the bus for practice. So, it isn't quite as sad as it sounds--but a little. I have been taking regularly Thomas since we moved here in August of 2010. I am going to miss that mommy & Thomas time. Not that I am not going to miss having him to myself all day long, but this was just something we did a lot, and I enjoyed sharing it with him.
This week's theme was cupcakes and cookies.
Mrs. Carolyn read two yummy books and the kids made their own paper cupcake for a craft. Thomas is usually not very creative and smacks whatever it is together and moves on. But, today he was quite meticulous with his cupcake sprinkles and how they were aligned. Funny boy.
Now, since it was the last, last one, I took extra pictures, and I videoed the little "exercise" they do every week before she begins to read.
We love story time at the library, and remember my Thomas was NOT always the good listener he is now. It took time and practice and very PATIENT librarians for us to get to this level. So, try your library out I am sure they have this opportunity. And, even hard to manage children like my Thomas once was, can find a way to sit and listen--eventually.
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