Another Trip To Busch Gardens...With Clara

This makes trip #7 for the kids and I to Busch Gardens this year. I think we did a pretty good job of getting our money out of those season passes--don't you?!

This is likely our last trip as we won't do the scary Halloween at the park, and school starts all too soon, but it was a good (likely) final visit.

Gracie and Clara were promised at least one trip to the park together, and they ended up with two.  These two best friends have had a pretty awesome summer together and will have tons of stories to tell when they see their friends again in 2 weeks.

And, once again we found MES friends at park full of thousands of people. 2nd & 4th grade friend Summer was also enjoying the super cool breezes and rides today. I just had to have them pose :)

 The girls still have a few more play-dates/activities planned so to share before the summer is officially over, but despite the efforts her mom and I have at helping make sure these girls stayed connected, Cara declares: "I'll be glad when school starts and I can get back to seeing Gracie every day!"

**Obviously the brothers were along for the trip too. Thomas found a new favorite ride in the swings as he was big enough to ride with an adult (me). Unfortunately, mommy can only take one whirly twirly ride on those and he didn't get a chance to get back on again. Next year buddy, next year.**

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1 Response to "Another Trip To Busch Gardens...With Clara"

  1. Season passes are the best! We skipped this year, but I plan to buy in Nov. for Nov., Dec., and all of next year. It looks like the kids LOVE that place!!


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