Week 2 Wrap Up

It was another successful and fun week for both kids at school.

Gracie is excited about joining the 5th grade chorus and had a "see what it is like" session during school today. She came home even more excited than when she told me about it this morning. I have promised her that we will support her in that endeavor.  Knowing her mom like she does she tells me "it is only $16 for the whole year. That's for the t-shirt and the field trip!"   Gracie's class has also had to fill out applications this week for class jobs.  She seemed kind of unsure about which she wanted, but definitely sure she wanted one.

Thomas got homework for the first time this week.  I think I told you he had to create himself out of a blank paper cutout. Parents were allowed to help, which is good because I was doing good to convince him to draw the face! He has no interest in crafty things or projects of any kind.  Oh, and Thomas really loves buying lunch. I was hoping to avoid that for at least the first month, but since sister can, he wanted to. He counts down the days until he can buy lunch (we circle the meals he has chosen on the lunch calendar)--not that he had to wait long, he bought 4 times this week!

Thomas favorites:

Time of day: (not including riding the bus, because that is his absolute favorite part of school!) "going outside to play."

Special: gym

And, his flower bloomed.  Remember the seeds from spring.  Well, just like Thomas they blossomed in September.  Kind of cool. Nature reminding us there is always a lesson on life to learn...or keep in perspective.

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