A Mama Field Trip
This mama left her babies with daddy (overnight--HUGE sticker) and rode with an awesome mama (who also left her kids, but doesn't freak when she does that because she is sane!) and went to spend a weekend with a whole lot of mamas who were eager to hear two "famous" mamas talk about their life & faith and a lot of southern things.
Grace had been asking me for awhile now if I wanted to go with her to the Sweet Sisters Conference, and then the asking turned in to pushing. Not, the "please-please go with" me kind of pushing, but the "seriously, Garren can watch the kids for a night, you will enjoy it" kind of pushing. And, I wanted to go. I usually do in these kind of situations, but I never summon enough courage. But, unlike other situations in my life where I have longed to do something I felt I wasn't brave enough to do; I really listened to my friend. And, after asking me to go and telling me how much I would enjoy it, she said something else to me that I truly think made all the difference.
Gracie said to me "pray about it."
I am a "praying mama." But, it is so rarely about me. I pray for the kids, for their teachers, for Garren, for situations. And, when I pray for myself, it is not often enough and usually full of tears because I am sure I have screwed up everything yet again. But, I don't pray for the "little stuff." I am a conditional pray-er. Much like in life, I don't want to bother people (i.e God) with my everyday "stuff," and so I never mention it.
I am writing this blog because I went. I sold enough dresses to cover the admission cost and my half of the hotel. Garren was free from work commitments to watch the kids. No one got sick, the ride was smooth and without chaos (it wasn't Grace! It wasn't!). We had a marvelous time. I was brave leaving and while we were there. And, those hilarious mamas spoke to me (literally and figuratively).
You draw your own conclusions. I have mine.
Grace picked me up on Friday morning. (She is so much better at directions and driving than me, so really, there was no debate on this one).
We arrived in Charlotte, NC well after dinner time and checked in at our hotel. And, after a few long circles walking around downtown (Charlotte is huge y'all!) we found a place to eat. Now, I have gotten a lot of slack on the place we chose to eat. But, I am not kidding when I tell you I would have eaten the grass outside! I was starving!! But, it was nice that the food inside was scrumptious! A little loud. Okay, a lot loud, and full of the male loud species, but what can you expect for a "sports bar" type place. And, did I mention we were starving?

The "mamas" we came to hear are authors of both books and blogs. Now Grace gave me their books to read, but I wasn't up to date on their blogs. Grace of course has read everything (she was slightly more of a fan-girl than I ;)
The first book I read was Sophie Hudson's A Little Salty to Cut The Sweet. Remember my "36 things before 36" project? She lent me the 3 books. Sophie's was the first I read, and I laughed and cried, and cried laughing. I loved it! I read something else in the middle, but then read her copy of Melanie Shankle's Sparkly Green Earrings. And, again I was rolling with laughter and tears.
For my 36th birthday, Grace gave me Melanie's book that had just come out The Antelope In The Living Room, and it was just as wonderful as the first book.
While, I loved both books, I somehow found myself more of a kindred spirit with Sophie, which is even more funny because while Grace loves them both, she finds herself more of a Melanie. And, after watching these two hilarious faith-filled women on stage together, it was a little bit like our 5 hour ride down to Charlotte just Grace and me (well maybe the ride back, we were a lot more punchy ;)
And, let me re-iterate I associate with Sophie and her wit and stories, I am nowhere near as awesome, brave, funny or grounded as she is. I bet if she really talked to me for more than 30 seconds she too would tell me to take a "chill pill."
So, back to the conference. We received cupcakes and milk after our first session at the conference that night and Grace and I walked back to the hotel. It was a good day, but a long day, and it was a very short time before we were in our pjs!
How do I put this, hmmm, Grace is an early riser, and Saturday's are my ONE morning a week to sleep in (and I cherish it!). So, I am not sure who was worried more about us having to be at the church at 8:15 Saturday morning, her or me. But, I will tell you that I was up, dressed and ready for the day with more than enough time to walk through the doors moments after they were open. I was not however bright-eyed and bushy tailed enough to eat a whole bagel and/or anything else. It was after all 8am on a Saturday.
Luckily for me we were being served lunch during the conference day. And, while I am collecting badges of "things I have never done:" I ate off a food truck today. Well, everyone did, but I have never had before, so cool for me.
nd, the lunch was pretty good, but I have to share this little story from the lunch table.
Grace got to the Fellowship Hall before me since the line for her food truck was way shorter, and she is sociable and makes friends easy. Anyway, she was chatting with two ladies when I found her at the tables. During the chat it comes up about leaving kids.
Lady (to Grace): "This is the first time you left your kids?" (sympathetic face)
Grace: "No, hers" (points to me)
Lady (to me): "Aww, how old are they?" (super sympathetic face)
Me: (pause) "10 and 5"
Lady: "Shut up!" (baffled, "are you kidding me" face)
A bit of laughter followed, and ladies and groups around us heard the "story" and I had to explain to a few others. But, hey I did it didn't I!
For those of you keeping score at home. I have left Gracie with Grandma 3 times, and Thomas once. I have never left them with daddy for more than 3-4 hours, and those times he is alone with them are very few in number. And, no this is clearly not his fault--I just don't leave or share my kids. I am all helicopter, all the time. The End.
While Friday night was such fun, Saturday by far offered the most. Sophie spoke Friday night, Melanie Saturday morning and then they both climbed on stage for questions and answers after lunch.
In between sessions, the church that hosted the conference had an amazingly talented group (Praise Band) perform, and the ladies in charge of the whole conference also spoke. I have to tell you, every person I encountered was warm and wonderful and friendly. The whole focus was about being a good friend and a sister in Christ, and these people not only led by example, but the women who attended shone that message to each other as well.
It was truly a wonderful experience and I am glad
Are you adding up my badges yet?
Well, here's another. Grace got her books signed, and while I only owned one of them, they gave us a sample book from both of the mama's upcoming new books, so I had them sign those. (So, badge one, standing in line to get them signed, you know me, I was ready to just leave, and leave happy) I took pictures of Grace and each mama the night before (because she was prepared and I left my book at the hotel), and she asked if I wanted pictures. I told her no, because these ladies were busy and I didn't want to hold them up, there was a line of people waiting for signings. Well, Grace didn't really give me an option when she told me to stand next to Melanie and get my picture taken. So, I have pictures and sweet inscriptions from two kind of famous, and really awesome mama writers as a keep sake of my weekend.
That was a lot of detail, and I could have left a lot out and you still would have gotten the gist of the story, but these details as as much for me to remember as they are for you to read--so maybe next time you'll skim ;)
Thank you Grace in your relentless journey to making me brave, and well rounded, and not so uptight, and more grounded, and more reliable on myself, my friends, and my God. I think in a lot of ways...you are like my Gully.
**If you would like to read Grace's (much) less rambling version of our weekend, you can do so here. Ha, I should have put this at the top, now you had to read the whole thing knowing there was a shorter version ;) You are welcome. **
So glad you had a great time, Barbara!