100th Day of Kindergarten
He's 100 days smarter...
...and cuter!

The kids each had to make a 100th day project, and I may (or may not have) suggested Legos to Thomas. I think his project came out super cute, as did the special shirt I made for him to wear today.
Grace and I helped count out and mix 100th day snack baggies earlier this week. Parents signed up to bring in the goodies and each kid got 10 marshmallows, 10 pretzel sticks, 10 goldfish crackers, 10 red hots, 10 M&M candies, 10 chocolate chips, 10 peanut butter chips, 10 Rice Chex cereal bites 10 jellybeans,

The kids loved sorting and eating their special snack today along with all of the other fun 100th day activities they had.
Happy 100th day sweetheart!
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