Mommy's Caring Boy

I guess I might be doing something right!
There are 6 Forest of Virtue Awards given out over the entire school year: caring, citizenship, fairness, respect, responsibility & trustworthiness. So, that is 6 kids per class recognized per year, and I am so proud that Thomas was chosen as a good example of a caring classmate.

I had him looking even more handsome than usual, and I made him a special bow tie last night for the occasion (I tried to find cardinal fabric, but came up short, so I went with red & white the school colors).
I was one very proud mama watching him go up on stage and listen to all the good things his classmates said about him.
After listening to all his praises, he shook Ms. Todd's hand and received his award and went over to the tree and hung his cardinal.
He was very excited to join his daddy and I at the table for the remainder of the awards assembly.
And, as luck would have it, our neighbor Cheyenne was receiving a Forest Of Virtue Award from her Kindergarten class too!
These two friends loved that they could share their morning, and their special days together.
We were allowed to keep our kids and have a small doughnut celebration with them before we walked them back to their classrooms.
Chewey may have joined mommy & daddy for the celebration too. After all, Thomas really, really wanted him to see him get his award. He was a super good pup, and didn't bark at all as he watched from my purse.
We are so proud of you Thomas!
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