Spring Break--Monday

 We have a whole week together--just the three of us!

It always sounds exciting on Monday, and by Friday I am so ready for them to go back to school--but for now I am riding the "happy mama who misses her kids" wave.

The plan was to go to Maymont tomorrow with Mrs. Jo and Rachael & Rebecca who are also on Spring Break, but the forecast is calling for nasty rainy weather tomorrow, and the rest of the week!

We had invited Bryce and Emmy to join us Tuesday, but they had already made plan to go with their cousins today.

So, long story, after seeing the weather forecast I decided to take my kids today since I had promised the trip over Spring Break, and Grace & Kelly were nice enough to let us catch up with them as they had only been at the park for a short time.

And, we were excited to see MeMaw Peggy (Bryce's grandma) was along for the trip as well.  Being a teacher she is off for Spring Break too and was getting to share the morning with all 4 of her grandchildren, plus my two. And, being a grandma, she said "yes" to all the kids when they want Kona Ice, after all three of us moms say "no, we have no cash."  She was super sweet to insist on buying it for my kids too.  Grandparents!

I got some amazing pictures with my new toy!!

The kids hiked and climbed and had a great time, and I snapped away and was blown away with the quality when I got home for editing!!

While, Maymont was a blast (and oh so hot!!) we weren't finishing soaking up all day one of Spring Break had to offer. So, after a longer than usual quiet/cool off time, we invited Cheyenne over to try out all the new Easter bubbles the kids had accumulated.

I would say day one was a great success!

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