5th Grade "Graduation" Day

Today was Gracie's turn.

I was told over and over "this is not a graduation."

So, to be honest, in addition to being disappointed my girl wouldn't be wearing a cap and gown and being celebrated for her accomplishments--I was also expecting a lame awards ceremony.

I was pleasantly surprised and pleased.

There was no pomp or circumstance, but these kids were honored and celebrated.

We left Thomas in his classroom so we could focus on our Gracie, and while I am sure she would have been pleased as pie to see us clapping and cheering for her--the fact that Grandma and Grandpa drove 2.5 hours just to see a 2 hour 5th Grade ceremony, made us (almost) obsolete.

Gracie was awarded several awards including a surprise Presidential Academic Fitness award!  We are of course proud of all she has accomplished this year, and the past 5 years at MES. But, there was an extra level of pride seeing her achieve the same very special academic award as I have received several times over my school years.

My daughter may not be athletic, but she is smart like her mama!

The ceremony went on for about an hour and half and I was pleased to see so many of the 100 5th graders honored in several ways.

Gracie was honored for her volunteer service as Thursday folder helper and Library helper, Honor Roll, Presidential Academic Fitness, and 5th grade chorus.

Grandma, Grandpa, Thomas and Mommy all took our "graduate" out to lunch to celebrate her big day.  (Daddy had to return to work) It was only a half-day anyway, so we signed both kids out just an hour or so shy of when they would have left.

It was a great day, and our 5th grader was truly happy and celebrated.  Mama made her a special dress, the grandparents drove in just to see it, she picked IHOP for brunch, we saw Pastor Jay at brunch and he gave her a special congratulations (and let me take a picture!), the grandparents took her and her brother out shopping to celebrate after lunch, and she had all her friends sign the graduation cap I bought her (for picture purposes only--I promised!)

It was a good day for our special girl.

Congratulations Gracie! We are so proud of you!

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