Cover Model

Yup, that's my little handsome boy!
Back in March, they sent a permission slip home. He had been choose one of about 20 kids to be photographed for the covers of this year's Yearbook.
And, of course I was hoping he would get it.
Now, I misunderstood and thought the picture would be of one kid, so when I called the school office today after getting an email the the yearbooks were in and was told he was on the cover--I was even more excited.

It did however make me rush to the bank to get $25 cash because I didn't order him a yearbook. In fact, this is the year Gracie finally got one. I don't see the sense in elementary school yearbooks. I think that is something to be saved for middle and high schools. But, I promised Gracie she could get one when she was in 5th grade. And, I kept that promise.
But, I couldn't not get Thomas one when he is all over the cover! So, I snagged one of the extras they order every year.
I am one proud mama--of BOTH my beautiful and photogenic children!
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