Last Day Of School

This morning....

This afternoon...

Gracie has a habit of breaking down on the last day of school.  Although, I think today's meltdown was pretty epic.

I can't say I blame her. It is the end of an era. The end of elementary school, the end of one teacher and one classroom, the last day with all of her friends. (Even if we weren't moving, MES is divided among 2 middle schools).

Happy last day of school. 

*Thomas did not cry, but he raced off the bus to let us know that Gracie and Cheyenne were crying. I am pretty sure Cheyenne was sobbiong because Gracie was. She told her mom: "I am crying because Gracie & Thomas won't be on the bus with me next year."

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1 Response to "Last Day Of School"

  1. Barbara Miller Shipley End of 1st Grade. Oh, how she loved Miss. Anderson Kimberly Anderson Kneebone. End of 3rd Grade, she was sure there was no better person on earth than Mrs. Joyner. And this year, the end of 5th grade and her life at MES and her beloved teacher Mrs. Madison Jennifer Moravec Madison.

    Jo Kelchner Hug that sweet girl for me.

    Jenny Hienkle McCall Abbie cried too frown emoticon

    Ruth Hughes Hoffman I wish I could be there to throw my arms around her and hold her tight.

    Nikki Lamkin Greer Hugs to you both . I had two girls crying at the end of the day that I had to hold their hands to the bus. This teacher is glad she had sunglasses on to hide her tears .

    Candice GeFellers Oh, now I have tears!

    Michelle Smith Cheyenne had me in tears too Barbara Miller Shipley when she finally told us why she was crying "Because Gracie won't be here next year" that just broke my heart at the Bus stop today


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