We Are Staying

I was debating on a new blog post about all the boxes in our house.  It seems like the more I packed up, the more cranky and irritable everyone in this house got.  Moving was weighing on everyone's minds in different ways.  Gracie worried about making new friends and dealing with Middle School, Thomas missing his best friend and kindergarten teacher, daddy trying to find the perfect place and the idea of having to lay hands on everything we own and move it--twice, and me, well I felt it all.  As a mama and devoted wife, their pain and anxiety is mine.  It was up to me to make the new house a home, comfort all the children's worries and help the physical and emotional load upon daddy.

I don't have to share our long few months of "suffering," and anxiety now--because most of it is over.

It is a LONG story and quite complicated, but we are staying.

We are staying in this house and are in the process of renewing our lease for another year.

Daddy is staying at his job and continuing to commute to Virginia Beach twice a week and hopefully in the immediate future "as needed."

Thomas will stay at MES and go to first grade with his best friend Bryce.

Gracie will go to Stonewall Middle with half of her friends. (MES divides between 2 high schools).

With hope and prayers we will return to our long awaited dream of owning our own home in 12 months and start the process all over again as the kids finish up this coming school year.

There have been a lot of prayers said for our family and by our family to make it through this very difficult time in our lives.  Those prayers have been answered. We couldn't have asked for a better outcome. We just wanted strength, and now we have that strength in the form of a giant weight lifted from our hearts and minds.

We genuinely thank all of you who were thinking about and praying for us during this time of transition

2 Responses to "We Are Staying"

  1. I hope you know that I think of you and pray for you every single day!

  2. Barbara Miller Shipley Daddy is staying with his job, and commuting as needed. Kids are thrilled to learn they can stay in their schools and this house for another year!

    Barbara Miller Shipley This should make Grace Boone Whitlock & Cathy Bishop Naff pretty happy. But, there may be a few more of you who weren't sick of us yet wink emoticon

    Tonia Behne Ward I know you are happy to be staying!!

    Barbara Miller Shipley We are beyond elated! Prayers answered!

    Tonia Behne Ward I am so excited for y'all!

    Nikki Lamkin Greer We are soooo happy for your all !!!

    Michelle Smith Happy doesn't even begin to describe the way we Feel !!!

    Christy Blunt Seward Patrick is super excited!!!

    Jo Kelchner Yeah!!!Yeah!!!Yeah!!!

    Michael Terndrup Oh darn was hoping you come back to Strasburg

    Barbara Miller Shipley My heart will always belong in Strasburg. Not that people can do it much any more, but I see Garren and I retiring there.

    Cathy Bishop Naff I am so so so so thrilled!!! I hadn't accepted that you were really moving! We need to celebrate!!


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