Advent Week 1

I can not tell you how excited I was that we were asked to the family to light the first candle of the Advent season this year.

I vaguely remember doing it as a child with my family, but I had been hoping that I could do it as a mama each year when I see the families go up at church.

I didn't know how to get "on that list," so I never asked.  So, you can imagine I practically yelled "yes!" when our new associate pastor called the house last week and wanted to know if we were willing.

Now, you people know me, so you know I had to plan our outfits. And, I did score big on that. But, just because I like to make us look matchy-matchy, doesn't mean that all 4 of us didn't know what we were doing and why.

It was a special moment for me as a person, and a special moment as mom, and something very special that we participated in as a family.

I asked my friend Nikki, who has done a great deal of stealth church photography for me for several special occasions this year (you all know I am "that mom!") to take the DSLR for me again, and once again she did awesome!

We even did family pictures after.

This was a special Sunday that I will never forget.

 ***Ignore my shoes, I am 9 months pregnant and they aren't fitting into anything dressy! I'm lucky I fit in that dress!***

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