First Pediatrician Appointment
I survived my first venture out of the house solo with kids!!
Confession 1--I'm not supposed to be driving post-op.
Confession 2--I did ask Grace to take us, but then felt to guilty sucking up her morning at a pediatrician a office, so I decided to do it myself.
Confession 3--I only had 2 kids. Gracie was with best friend Clara at Busch Gardens Christmas Town.
Bonus confession--Garren had a cow and got very angry with me when he found out I went by myself.
*Thomas is super pouty and upset because Gracie is gone on a play date and he is left out.
*Tobias screams and screams at the appointment.
*Tobias poops on the nurse as she takes his temperature.
*While he was considered "low risk" at the hospital for jaundice, his red skin and yellow eyes have the Dr. Concerned enough to take a bilirubin test.
*Tobias is such a good bleeder that when the nurse finishes and bandages him foot I move to dress him and find that I am covered, he is covered and the blanket and now the cot is covered in blood.
*After all is said and done, I quickly realize why I should NOT have tried to do all of that solo 2 days after being cut open. Eh, live and learn.
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