
Barbara & Garren
Big Sister Gracie & Big Brother Thomas
are happy to announce the birth of...

James “Tobias” Shipley


Wednesday, December 16th, 2015
at 8:39 a.m.
Memorial Regional Medical Center
Mechanicsville, VA

Our sweet Tobias
Weight: 9 lbs 2 oz
Length: 21 in.

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3 Responses to "Introducing..."

  1. Jason Kenney Congrats!

    Julie Coggsdale CONGRATS. A new constituent!!!!

    Felicia Vance Congratulation Garren!

    Courtney Martin Jackson Congratulations he is beautiful

    Jim Riley Congratulations! Great day to have a baby boy named James (we did 6 years ago today.)

    Jim Riley FYI, from experience I can tell you that having the first name James and the middle initial T. will lead some to referring to him as Kirk.

    Heather Shipley Walsh He's beautiful!! Congratulations! Love to you all!

    Krystle Gabele Congratulations!

    Gary R. Frink Congrats. Big boy; solid head. A winner.

    Kenny Walsh Congratulations to you both and the whole family!

    Sally Voth Congratulations. He's a keeper!

    Juanita Balenger Congratulations and many blessings!

    Steve Batton Congratulations!!

    Ruth Hughes Hoffman Absolutely beautiful! Will you go with the tradition of calling him by his middle name? Are Gracie and Thomas excited? Well, duh, that was a stupid question. Congratulations to you all!

    Eric Scott Foulks Congratulations too u guys

    Beth Casteel So happy for you all! !!

    Karen Smith Butterworth He's precious! Congratulations!

    Elizabeth Tolson Lassiter Congratulations Barbara!! How sweet is he?!

    Ben Pershing Congrats Garren, great news

    Chris Godbey Congrats man!

    Bueford T. Fletcher Handsome little fellow!

    Carmen Musick Congrats!

    Michelle Smith Congratulations on your Sweet
    Bundle of Joy🍼

    Pete Snyder Congrats, Garren!! Best early Christmas present anyone could ask for!

    Daniel Burgner Congratulations Garren.

    Samara Reese Congratulations!!!

    Tammy Aigner Caskie So happy for y'all ❤️

    Vivienne Smith Oh my goodness is he ever precious! Big boy too! Congratulations to all of your. Christmas came a little early this year. heart emoticon

    Christopher S Judd Woohooooooo!!

    Erin Varnier-Tignor Congratulations! He's beautiful! Does he like the orange binky yet?;)

    Douglas Walsh That's absolutely awesome God bless

    Peter Joseph Foster Congratulations. That's outstanding.

    Dennis Grundman nice package

    Shannon G McCarthy Welcome Tobias!

    Marc Pillar Congrats, he is a fine looking fella.

    Stephen Jude Rossie Congratulations, Garren!

    Ryan Walsh Congrats I hope to meet him soon

    Jo Kelchner He is absolutely beautiful!

    Nikki Lamkin Greer He's so adorable! I hope to be able to meet him soon !

    Bob Maistros Handsome dude.

    Sharon Fletcher Bowers Congratulations!!! Can't wait to meet the new family member!

    Allyson Hatfield Congratulations!!

    Heather Cox Congratulations Garren! 😄

    Denise Pendleton Hoffman Congratulations! What a cutie!

    Candice GeFellers OH!!! He's adorable!!!! What a perfect Christmas gift straight from God!!!

    Joni B. Parker Congratulations!

    Heather Halpin Perez Congrats Shipleys!!

  2. Cathy Bishop Naff Absolutely beautiful!!! Congratulations!!❤️

    Jeanette Jones Tyree Congratulations!

    Jane Woodson So happy for all of you! Congratulations!

    Katie Jones Waters Congratulations!!!

    Janice Edmonds Crabill What a cutie, Congraulations!

    Cindy Racey Congratulations!

  3. ‎Andrea Lange Sievewright‎ James is beautiful! Hope you are doing well and Gracie is able to enjoy this time with you

    ‎Sharon Osborn‎ Congratulations! Your little guy is so precious!

    ‎Kim Bradley‎ Welcome to this beautiful world James! Congratulations Shipley family!!!

    ‎Jamie Wooldridge Gagnon‎ Welcome sweet baby! I hope you both are doing well and I hope to meet him!Congratulations!!!

    ‎Michael Terndrup‎ So Happy for you guys he look great
    — feeling happy.

    ‎Jackie Fridley Bailey‎ Best of luck to you BMS on the birth of your new baby boy! By the way, Gracie and Thomas should have postcards coming to them from Hawaii and Venezuela. I just remembered you asked for people to help with correspondence from different states and countries. Merry Christmas to you and your family.


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