What A Year

I don't typically wish away time, and I guess it really isn't wishing it away since I am pretty sure this past 12 months lasted 4x longer than typical spans of time.  And, no, not because I was pregnant.

2015 was by far the hardest year ever for us Shipley's.  We had more ups and downs than a mega roller coaster.  But, we survived.  And, we continue to survive despite the downward although roughly level slope we continue on as 2016  begins.

Recounting the past year serves as a way to continue to be thankful to the Lord for getting us through, a chance to remember that we held tighter to each other, and that we endured more than we thought possible.

Compared to other families, I am sure that our year was merely a "Drop in the bucket," but for us, it was the hardest 12 months the four of us have ever dealt with. And, perhaps a time will come that will be harder. But, I think we the practice we were given in faith in 2015 will likely at least prepare us for any all future struggles.

2015 Recap

Daddy needs a new job--fast!

Daddy has a new job! Yea!

We have to move to Virginia Beach.

 No more Middle School for Gracie

We are staying in Mechanicsville

We are going to have a baby! 

 Kids leave mommy for first time to stay solo in a whole other state!

We joined the church.

It's a Boy!

Thomas starts 1st Grade without his best friend.

Gracie starts Middle School--the hardest chapter of her life so far. 

Daddy needs a new job--faster!

Daddy gets a new job.

Welcome James Tobias Shipley.

I think that the statement that most defines me, and us this year is this: " I will praise Him in this storm."

2015 gave way to many, many storms in our life, and I would like to think that we held on to our faith, our God and each other; although not always with absolute grace and nobility--through all the storms that we passed through.

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