Baby's First Church Service

What a special morning for our family.

Since the weather was supposed to be perfect today-and it was--we decided to take Tobias for his first ever church service.

The sanctuary was beyond packed, and it didn't take long to understand why. 

The children were performing this morning. But crowded pews wasn't a problem for us, but the kids xylophone playing was a slight problem for Tobias. 

Thankfully though that was his only problem. We only had to leave the service once to calm down.

He of course was a hit and he got lots and lots of "ooohs" and "ahhs." Unfortunately some of his biggest fans: Mrs. Jo and Pastor Jay missed seeing him today because of a family emergency.  That's okay, there will be plenty more Sundays to love on him.

Gracie even got her chance to show him off and took him to the front for children's time.

I doubt you are surprised that I took my camera and captured many moments from his morning. 

Like I said, it was a special morning for our family.  And, it felt wonderful to be back in church as a family of 5.

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1 Response to "Baby's First Church Service"

  1. Nancy Young Carver ·
    So sorry we were sitting near the front (to watch granddaughter sing) and missed seeing your new baby! New week I hope! love!

    Julie Martin
    Was that your daughter carrying him up front to Kids Connection?

    Barbara Miller Shipley Yes, she wanted her turn to show him off smile emoticon

    Julie Martin
    Such a great sister, they were precious!

    Stephanie Kane So Julie and Barbara know each other? The world is very small indeed!

    Julie Martin ·
    Stephanie Kane wait! How do you know people?? Barbara and I go to the same church! (In fact, in that beautiful pic of her daughter and baby son above, you can see my left shoulder and boot😜)

    Barbara Miller Shipley Stephanie Kane & I were Girl Scouts together. We both grew up in Lynchburg. smile emoticon

    Stephanie Kane Nice boot Julie! Yes, Barbara and I would always see each other at summer camp. Julie and I went to college together!

    Barbara Miller Shipley oh my gosh!! How cool!

    Ruth Hughes Hoffman And I wasn't there to hold him when your arms tired. I'm so sad.

    Candice GeFellers So precious!!! He's adorable just like the other two!!! I love the cover on the carrier!

    Barbara Miller Shipley I made it wink emoticon I found this cute fabric that had Bible verses on it, but when I got home and unfolded it, I saw that it was squares for a quilt! unsure emoticon So, I added some hearts, a fish & the Methodist symbol to jazz it up. I love how it came out. It will be our Sunday cover smile emoticon

    Bonnie Edwards ·
    He is beautiful and was great during the service. Congrats to you all

    Jo Kelchner Love the pictures. Sorry I wasn't there to greet him...and hold him...and love on him.

    Garren Shipley Next Sunday smile emoticon Hope all is well with your mom.


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