We LOVE Visitors!

We didn't go anywhere today--instead some awesome people came to us!

Mrs. Jo texted me earlier today and asked if was okay if she and Rachael came over after preschool today.

Are you kidding? We love to share visits and time and snuggles!

Rachael could have cared less about this little baby, so she and I chatted a bit while Mrs. Jo got in some baby love.

It has been wonderful to share this experience with so many people who love us.

When I had Gracie it was just Garren and I and a new baby. Being hermits who had only lived in the small town for less than a year we didn't know anyone.

And, when Thomas came along, it was just the three of us and our dear neighbors The Mozingos. We really didn't start to get super close to people until after he was born. Thomas gave us no choice but to be "out there." We had made many connections after Gracie started preschool, but as far as people "in our lives," that happened after our little social butterfly entered the scene.

But this go round.  We have been covered in so much love!

Not only did we have a gender reveal party with wonderful friends in attendance, but people visited us at the hospital and called and texted and couldn't wait to meet our new arrival. Last week Grace insisted in bringing us dinner, and yesterday Kelly and her kids came over for a visit and to bring us dinner as well!

I can not tell you how blessed we feel to have other people who care so much about us and our kids and our new baby!  It makes this mama's heart over-flow!

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