American Girl Store 2016
It was a week late, but we made it and she loved every minute!
is the third year in a row we have been able to make this birthday
magic happen, and it is well worth the 2 hour drive, crowds and
horrendous traffic.
Watching that girl grin from ear to ear is more than we could ask for.
was the second year that Grandma & Grandpa got to share the
American Girl experience. Clearly a grandparents tolerance is higher
than the average persons for walking through a girly store for hours and
looking at everything 4 times each.
Garren and I sat with Tobias and took a rest from the gawking--he and I
both agreed there wasn't a little girl in there who wasn't clearly
know how you go to the mall and there is at least one kid begging or
throwing a tantrum? Not here. These girls know what a special time and
place this is. The American Girl store isn't just a store--it's a
destination--and we were clearly not the only people who traveled hours
to get there.
It's a neat place to look at, but it's even more an "experience" for
both parent and child.

She made a bee-line for the display case full of Kit and her accessories and grabbed her within 2 minutes.
rest of the hours were spent carrying her around while she looked at
everything 4 times and picking out what else to take home with her
remaining gift money.
After our feet were killing us, and the boys had all gone to the Lego and Disney stores--we rallied for lunch.
All in all it was a perfect belated birthday trip and our girl and her new "girl" are happy as can to be.
Thank you to all who helped make her birthday special by giving her gift money!
I'm so glad she enjoys this so much!!! I hate she was sick on her birthday weekend, but I know she was glad to get to go! I just wish my girl would like dolls!