Gracie Gets Sick For Her Birthday
First grade is great--for germs!

The family that pukes together stays together?
This Norovirus strain is an awful one and it lasts for days! The first thing that Gracie said after nearly crawling back to bed was "now I can't go to the American Girl store!!"
And, after a bit of debate, Garren and I decided that traveling 2 hours one way to Tyson's Corner for what has become Gracie's annual birthday adventure was a bad idea. She would be miserable and not really able to enjoy her special day. So, we have tabled that birthday treat, but despite the change in plans, this mama did all she could to make her first-born's day a special one!

We stayed kind of mellow most of the rest of the day as Gracie was still not 100%, but she choose her favorite food for dinner: spaghetti. And, I let her choose a cake flavor and I went out and got it and fixed it and decorated it all girly just for her.
Thankfully I had some table decorations stored that I had never used, and a few little extra things that I wrapped up for her to open. Again this year Gracie just wanted money to spend at the American Girl store for her birthday, and most relatives obliged. She is hoping to have enough to bring Kit home this year.
We got Grandma & Grandpa on the ipad with FaceTime and we let her blow out candles and sung to her.
And, after cake she got to choose a movie and she and Thomas got in their pajamas and watched the movie from the floor with piles of pillows. She of course chose Frozen. That's another thing that has become tradition. Last year on her birthday I let her choose the movie and fixed her a cake since we had planned an AG trip for the day after where we would do all of our celebrating. She said that was the best part of her day--so I think we may keep it up.
I think despite the germs, Gracie was very much celebrated and enjoyed her 12th birthday. And, we promised her we would take her to the American Girl store next Saturday--so there is more celebrating and fun to come!
Michael Terndrup OMG you guys are going to have a teenager soon wow
ReplyDeleteBarbara Miller Shipley Yeah, I'm not thinking about it!!
Michael Terndrup smile emoticon
Barbara Miller Shipley We are sorry that our plans for today had to be cancelled--but I think that our makeshift "Gracie Day" came out pretty ok. We will take you to the American Girl store to get Kit next weekend when all the germs are gone!
Suzi Hoff Tapper Happy Birthday Gracie!
Stephanie Larson Cover Happy Birthday to Gracie!! heart emoticon Ms. Stephanie What a beautiful cake for a beautiful girl!! smile emoticon Enjoy
Michelle Smith Happy Birthday Gracie
Carol A. Halvorson Miller Mini me (Barbara) Happy Birthday!
Becky Kochenderfer Banton Happy Birthday!!!! I hope she has had a great day.
Ruth Hughes Hoffman I know this is a little late, but Happy Birthday, Gracie! I hope you had a wonderful day! You are beautiful and I cannot believe that you are 12!!! You go, girl!
Brenda Smith Chapman Happy Birthday Gracie!! Wow, you are really growing up fast!! Slow down!!
Karen Tignor Happy Birthday, Gracie! Have a wonderful year!
Jane Woodson Happy Birthday, Barbara. !! Have a good one!!
Jake Miller Happy Birthday Gracie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Unlike · Reply · 1 · March 6 at 3:03pm
Jane Woodson I can't keep the generations in the correct order!!!! It is Jean, Barbara! Gracie!! Please excuse me!! Happy Birthday, Gracie!!!!
George F. Hoffman Happy birthday, sweet girl!! We sure miss you! Hope you had a spectacular day!
Sheryl Pifer Happy belated Birthday to Gracie!!
Kathy Marcais Happy Birthday Gracie!!!!