National Teddy Bear Day
Couldn't pass up a chance to celebrate teddy bears! Especially not when they are $5 at Build-A-Bear!

But, since he is little and had no interest in the stuffing process, we were able to score the last special edition Teddy Bear day teddy! This store was only given 5 to hand out, and we were too far back in line, but she did say we could buy the one already stuffed and on display. Score!
We got out of the stuffing line as it was backed up since each person was buying the limit of 5 each!!!! We made our way to the computer and named our special bear "Ya Ya." I figure since that is all he says all day, it was a perfect fit.
And, yes, I dressed him in brown to look like a mini teddy bear himself!
Welcome to the family "Ya-Ya!"
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