Tobias' 1st Hair Cut

I was loving the curls! But, daddy was ready to tame the mane.

So, off we went to Pigtails and Crewcuts, the same place that gave Thomas his first hair cut at a year and half. (That's probably why daddy was so adamant, I couldn't bear to cut Thomas' hair and he ended up with a LOT before I finally caved)

Tobias was super good, by baby standards, for his hair cut.

He enjoyed playing with the toys waiting for his turn, oblivious to what was about to happen.

Being smart ladies, they snapped the picture for the keepsake that you get when you order the "1st haircut" package before she got those scissors going.

But, really, he cried a bit, but after he got his binky and as long as I stayed right beside him he was fine in the fire truck. He would cry when the cape covered his hands and he couldn't turn the wheel, but that was about it.

I was pleasantly surprised and grateful for his behavior, because older brother screamed at the top of his lungs for the entire first haircut and in the end was covered in cut hair stuck to his face by tears and snot. Lets just say I left a HUGE tip that day.

Back to Tobias...we left with a happy baby and face-timed daddy from the car so he could see the finished product.

I asked the ladies to save me a curl when the picked out hair for the baggy (also included in your 1st hair cut package) and they did.

I'm not in a rush to go back, but these people will continue to get baby's business until he's at least 3 and can go with daddy and brother to Sport Clips

Thomas' 1st Haircut

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