Happy Father's Day 2017

Joy 6: A Daddy who loves his kids

Poor daddy woke up sick this morning, so he had to miss church, and I took the kids solo. Instead of helping her daddy run the audio at the 11am service, Gracie helped me as I taught Sunday School, so I got the morning with 2 of my 3 kids. Tobias hung out with Mrs. Verna in the nursery.

Happy Father's Day!

Joy 7: Sharing my sewing skills with my daughter

Gracie has read the entire Harry Potter series this school year, and actually, I think she just started this calendar year. Well, she loved them and has been entranced in the tale.  So much so that she wanted to make a cape (?) for her doll. Something about houses and wizards and such. She actually found the how to instructions online and cut out her pattern herself. Mama's job was just to sew it and make it work. She seemed super happy with the end result and was thrilled that I had the perfect ribbon to make a tie to go with it. It's the small things that bring people such joy. 

1 Response to "Happy Father's Day 2017"

  1. Gracie, maybe you can teach me how to sew!


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