For Posterity

As much as this blog is way for family and friends to keep up with how my little angel is doing, this is also a way for me to keep a record of my child's physical, mental and emotional growth--not to mention a great way to store memories. I hope that you will all keep this in mind as you read the blog. It may seem like a glorified shrine to Gracie, and that I brag about her constantly. Of course I do, I am very proud. But, by writing her accomplishments and our daily trials and rewards, we as a family get to share Gracie to the world, and remember those moments for ourselves all at the same time.
That being said, I want to record here Gracie's skills.
*Gracie can identify the following colors: orange, yellow, green, pink, brown, purple. She has difficulty with red, black and blue, but gets them correct 80% of the time.
*She knows the numbers one thru 10, and we are close to knowing 11 thru 20. She can not identify the number when you write it, (except the number 8) but she can count various objects from cups to toes to fingers.
*She can identify parts of the body including: ears, eyes, mouth, teeth, fingers, hand, feet, toes, hair, belly and nose.
*She knows her alphabet song and can identify all 26 letters in any order.
*She knows the following shapes, and can identify them in other things like windows, blocks, cookies, etc: heart, star, diamond, square, rectangle, triangle, circle, and oval.
*She can tell you that G-R-A-C-I-E is "Gracie," and M-O-M-M-Y is "Mommy."
*She speaks very well and has a vocabulary of over 200 words (I am estimating). She puts words together to make phrases.
*She already has manners, she uses the words "bless you" when someone sneezes, she says "thank you," when you hand her something or help her, she says "welcome" when you thank her.
*She knows over 20 animals and their sounds and can identify the animals by name and picture.
*She can sing the following songs in their entirety: "Twinkle Twinkle," "Itsy Bitsy Spider," "Old Mac Donald," and "I Love You (Barney Song)."
*Physically she can kick, throw and most of the time catch a ball.
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