Perfectly Pink

Gracie has a new room...well sort of.

I have been thinking a lot lately about how we are going to make room for another person in this very small two room apartment. While the plans are to get our first home, or at least a bigger place, we don't feel like that will happen until a few months after the baby gets here. And, we already have too much stuff.

Well, I started today on downsizing Gracie's room. Once I have my mind on something it doesn't go anywhere until I deal with it. So, Gracie and I started rearranging. I started by removing all of her Fisher Price Little People sets (and bit my lip from crying). I replaced the shelves with her My Little Ponies and other miniature sets that she really favors.

I have also made a shelf for containers full of her other favorites like puzzles and finger puppets, and her paper and pens (this child loves to "write" and make notes and invitations and now she has a container full of paper and pencils and stickers and more).

This really has been a long time coming, as I am sure one of the reasons she doesn't play by herself much is that the toys she really wants are harder to get. Now, everything is out in the open.

Plus, she saw the original pink covering on top of her shelves that we had when she was a baby. I took off the blue gingham and now her room is very pink--just like the girly girl that she is.

While Gracie's room has been redone and uncluttered, the rest of this small space needs a make over too!

I am hoping that we will get a little help from family. With Christmas and her birthday coming up relatively soon, I am hoping that we can convince the grandparents to stick to a few categories of smaller items. I have made room for more games and puzzles as these are of her favorites. She also has larger containers for her miniatures, which she loves. And, I have made more containers for dress up--which is something else she plays everyday!

In the meantime I am cleaning up and out and making room for baby and all of those baby things, and our big girl is loving her big girl room.

1 Response to "Perfectly Pink"

  1. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Gracie, I love your room! The little ponies will be very happy in the space you have saved for them. I know you are going to love being able to get out the things you want to play with - all by yourself. Thank you for sharing pictures of your room. We love you!


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