Nervous Nellie

I dropped Gracie off at school this morning, and I am a little concerned about her. That worrisome intellect she has is in over drive this morning.

When she got up this morning she was telling me she dreamed about her Disney book and the fire on the front. Then she talked more and more about fire and fireman and water ruining everything.

She was super chatty and didn't seem upset--but what she was talking about clearly was bothering her. We talked about fire and how she is safe and that mommy and daddy will always keep her safe. We talked about the sprinklers in the house and calling the fire department--but I kept it light. I even told her that the sprinklers would put out the fire, but we would have to put everything in the drier because it would be soaked.

When I dropped her off this morning I warned the teachers that she was "nervous chatty." Ms, Stephanie told me she loves to hear Gracie go on and on. I chuckled to myself--that child can talk and talk and I am not sure if she breathes! One of these days I will have to video one of her rants. I say "rants," but she talks like that all the time. I didn't think she had been around Candice that much ;)

Anyway, I am hoping that when I pick her up she will be better. I had a feeling that she was thinking a little too much. Last night I had the worst headache and didn't get dinner started, so super dad got dinner done--after her loaded us in the car and took us to Denny's. While we were there he was talking about his trip to DC today to go to the US Supreme Court and how he had to get on the train and he was a little nervous about doing something so important. All of a sudden she gets upset and starts talking about him not coming home. Like most of her worries it came out of no where. He reassured her that Daddy always comes home. It took a little more reassurance and hugs before she seemed convinced. Poor thing was nearly in tears. She ate her dinner and went to bed well, so I figured her worries had been calmed, but I should have known better. Once that mind gets started, it is usually a few days before it is back to simple girly innocence.

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