Social Butterfly

I guess more is gone than the seems the "shy" is also leaving.
Tonight was one of the pre-school activities at Gracie's new school. They hosted an ice cream social for the kids. We didn't get to really see the school, or meet teachers (since I couldn't tell a teacher from a parent anyway). But, it was a second, and cooler, look at the place.
Gracie picked out an ice cream cup from the several selections and we sat at a picnic area in the school yard. She gobbled her ice cream up with out so much as a shy whine or bashful hiding of her face in my arm or side.
Once she ate her ice cream, I told her "lets go look around." It only took a few feet before we saw where all the kids were headed.
Gracie ran up the hill of stairs attempting to be patient with her much slower mommy, then she let me go and ran off to play with the dozens and dozens of other kids.
I let her play for a good long while until I noticed that her cheeks were bright pink and she was out of breath and sweaty.

I took some pictures, and a video for Aunt Ruth, and we headed home before the storm came.
So, most of me is really glad that Gracie seems to be so well adjusted. Of course I am surprised--my once shy flower used to have to be coaxed (and sometimes bribed) in to doing anything new or uncertain. Now, she is running off with kids she doesn't even know!
The other part of me? Well, it feels lonely now that I don't have any one to be sad with me any more. Kind of pathetic that it is just the mommy who can't seem to find her way out of her "loss" and mopes around the house. Although, in my defense, I hadn't had time to feel depressed between moving and packing and unloading, and putting away. Now that the chaos has subsided, the tears aren't staying away.
What's worse: now Gracie pats me on the shoulder and says "it's okay mommy. You will meet new friends and have a good time. Don't you just love our new house? And, they will visit, I promise."
Of course, I guess that isn't all bad. Clearly all my pep talks and hugs and reassurances helped her. And, while she can really be difficult to be around, it is a sign that her very big heart is still in there.
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