Thomas Goes To Preschool

We did it--and we both survived with few tears!!!

Thomas is home and likely snoring. That was one very exhausted 3.5 year old I help put in the car this afternoon. He is down for a nap and at last peek he was blinking hard!

Thomas will attend the preschool in the church where we have been attending for the past year and a half. He will go twice a week (Tuesdays & Thursdays) like Gracie did, 9am to 12noon.  He has two teachers: Ms. Tammy & Ms. Leslie, and there are 8 total kids in his class.

Day one seemed to go well, although he wasn't very talkative on the way home. I asked him about his day and the most I got was "I go preschool!!" and "playground!"  I am sure they did more in the three hours.

Thomas has been excited for weeks and we have be counting down the days until he started.  He of course is very unhappy he won't be riding a bus like his big sister, but a new back pack and a lunch box seem to be filling the void.

Another big step for Thomas and for mommy. You would have thought it would have been a piece of cake for child number two, but I have quickly realized that is never easy to let a child go, no matter what number he is.

You can see Thomas' preschool adventures and other adventures on our blog as I am trying to better keep up with it, but you will have to wait to see Gracie's first day of school picture--I am afraid she missed the first day of third grade (of which she is so upset!!) thanks to a 102 fever yesterday. We just couldn't get it down. Thankfully it was gone this morning and she was back to her chatty old self. We see no reason for her not to go to school tomorrow, so mommy gets to go through the emotions again.

Thank you all for  being apart of our days and our lives, and for sharing this moment with Thomas & me.

10 Responses to "Thomas Goes To Preschool"

  1. Uncle George12:35 PM

    Cute picture! I'm glad things went well, and so glad to hear Gracie's feeling better too! Please give them both a big hug from Uncle George! Love you guys!


  2. He is so cute-he looks just like you with blond hair. We saw all the kids living Grasshopper Green this morning and were thinking how times does fly by...

    Carson started school today as well. She broke her arm last week(right before a beach trip) and had a low temperature this morning, but powered through. She wouldn’t turn for the “bus” photo this morning L each year she slows down less and less.

    I’m glad everything is going well with you guys and hope Gracie feels better tomorrow.

    We never did write you guys a letter this summer—again—time flies….


  3. Colette12:36 PM

    We are so proud of all of you! And it is so special that God had you start going there a year and a half ago to help make today easier and Thomas more familiar and maybe both kids heading out today would have been too much for you so thankful Gracie is all better and ready for tomorrow!!! And you are to credit for Thomas being ready and are the most amazing example of motherhood and your darlings are already so far ahead because of all you invest in them... <3
    Love you so and miss you just as much...

  4. Aunt Ruth12:36 PM

    Thanks for letting us know. I’ve been thinking about all of you ALL day.

  5. bob & Mari Rippi12:37 PM

    Enjoyed reading about Thomas' first day. Hope Gracie is all well now and has a great day tomorrow.

  6. Deanna Morgan12:37 PM

    Oh Barbara, that picture is sooo cute! And your right, it's never easy even with the second child. I think it was even harder with my second because I knew he was going to be my last one to send through. :( I love reading through your families journey!

  7. Linda C.12:37 PM

    Such a cute little fella; glad his first day went well!

  8. sounds like things went well for Thomas :)

    And... as a preschool teacher... you will need to know that even after he's been in class ALL year.... when you ask him what he enjoys at school (or what he did at school)..... he will always say, "play on the playground." That is always what my pre-k kids remember from their time at school.

    Makes us wonder why we spend so much time and energy on all of that learning stuff! hah!


    hope Gracie feels better soon!


  9. Jane W.12:38 PM

    barbara, an exciting time in a mother's life!!! i am glad all went well for thomas. love, jane

  10. I love these update, thanks for sharing. He looks adorable :) I can't believe Ryson will start Grasshopper Green next September, just crazy!


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