Slurpee Day!
We sure are getting our fair deal of freebies/cheapies this week!
Tuesday was the 56 cent pancake day.
Today, we didn't have to shell out so much as a penny for our treats.
Being July 11th (get it 7-11), Slurpee's at the 7/11 were free today.
I asked Grace earlier today if she was going to let her kiddos get slurpee's, and we decided to let them get them together.
I wish I had taken a picture of the line to get Slurpee's, but I didn't want to freak out the long line of people waiting their turn. Most of them look annoyed at waiting, but we had no where to be, and life is wide open when you get to be at home with your kids and do spontaneous things like get free sugar in a cup :)
Imade asked the kids to pose outside with their sugary treats, and then we loaded up for another fun treat.
(Thomas got lemon, Gracie got Coke, Emmy got lemon and didn't like it, Bryce got blue and red mixed together)
Grace asked if she thought my kids would like to take a ride on her mom's golf cart. Of course, they would!
Obviously Bryce and Emmy get to ride all the time, but my two squealed and squealed and changed seats every time we stopped at a different exciting place on our "field trip."
Grace's mom lives in a very nice subdivision for people without kids, and most of them have golf carts to get to and from the extras in the neighborhood like a pool, play area, exercise areas, RV parking, and boat parking.
We saw all of these sights, and I just couldn't help but chuckle at the absolute excitement each stop, and each ride brought to all 4 kids.
You have to appreciate how kids see the world, and how exciting even the most mundane thing to us adults is. It is pure, and wonderful, and at times hilarious.
Happy Slurpee Day!
Tuesday was the 56 cent pancake day.
Today, we didn't have to shell out so much as a penny for our treats.
Being July 11th (get it 7-11), Slurpee's at the 7/11 were free today.
I asked Grace earlier today if she was going to let her kiddos get slurpee's, and we decided to let them get them together.
I wish I had taken a picture of the line to get Slurpee's, but I didn't want to freak out the long line of people waiting their turn. Most of them look annoyed at waiting, but we had no where to be, and life is wide open when you get to be at home with your kids and do spontaneous things like get free sugar in a cup :)
(Thomas got lemon, Gracie got Coke, Emmy got lemon and didn't like it, Bryce got blue and red mixed together)
Grace asked if she thought my kids would like to take a ride on her mom's golf cart. Of course, they would!

Grace's mom lives in a very nice subdivision for people without kids, and most of them have golf carts to get to and from the extras in the neighborhood like a pool, play area, exercise areas, RV parking, and boat parking.
We saw all of these sights, and I just couldn't help but chuckle at the absolute excitement each stop, and each ride brought to all 4 kids.
You have to appreciate how kids see the world, and how exciting even the most mundane thing to us adults is. It is pure, and wonderful, and at times hilarious.
Happy Slurpee Day!
you missed cow appreciation day. you could have had free slurpees and a free Chick fil a meal all in one day. :)