New Week, New Adventures

I know I promised not to write about every school day, and I won't--but, I actually got information from the little one today!

The little girl from up the street was back at the bu stop for the first time since the 1st morning of school. Apparently she was sent home that first day with a temp of 102 and had the rotovirus all week!

It was our first rainy school day, and while Gracie begs every year, I don't let her take an umbrella to school. It is an open campus, and rainy days make me irritable about the school's layout (not that I can do anything about it). But, I know she will a) soak everything she owns when she puts the umbrella on, in, or beside her backpack and/or coat b)lose it.  The school has overhanging rooftops and covered walkways for almost all of the outdoor sidewalks, so really it is only getting on and off the bus that can get them a bit damp.

The rain held off this morning, but by afternoon I needed to bring an umbrella to the bus stop.  Today, I brought 2. It is hard enough keeping Gracie and myself dry on school days with one umbrella, so add in a wiry short one, and I knew it would be nearly impossible.

Today we also got our first homework assignment. We have to make a paper cut out person look as much like Thomas as possible--and he can get parental help.  I love a craft project!!

He talked about having gym today, and he told us they listened to the story Chick A Chick A Boom Boom.  They made a shape book  and didn't have recess because of the rain.
That is more information than I got all week!

We parents also got a daily rundown of their schedule and a two week calendar.  Which gives me a little relief to know where he is every minute.

So, besides forgetting his snack container and his water bottle at school. It was a great start to a new week.

1 Response to "New Week, New Adventures"

  1. I was SO excited to get the schedule. It helps me get through the day just knowing what he's doing and when!


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