There's Nothing Wrong With Second Hand

I recently stopped at a thrift shop in Winchester that had a sign outside that read "Children's Clothes 50 cents." I love thrift shops and often spend an hour or so combing through adorable, yet used, girl clothes. That day I racked up! I bought $10 worth of cute outfits, overalls and this absolutely precious sailor suit that didn't have stain one (pictured above).

Baby clothes are not cheap! In fact they can really get expensive. I wouldn't mind that so much if the babies didn't out grow them in a month or two. Since before Gracie was born I have looked in dozens of thrift stores. I hunt for old fashioned clothes, as you probably have noticed through the pictures I have sent since Gracie was old enough to pose. I love smocked dresses and simple colors and prints. Gracie looks really good in them too.

I have always been a frugal person, I get that from my Aunt Lou who taught me at an early age that there is nothing wrong with second hand. How I loved to go to yard sales with her on Saturday mornings. It was usually a poorly stuffed animal or a baby doll missing an arm or leg that caught my attention. How pitiful that this doll has no one to care for it. To this day I have boxes of bears missing eyes, dolls without hair or legs and other creatures who are falling apart. I never could bare to get rid of them, after all, I was all they had. Surely no one else could love them, despite their broken bodies.

I hope that I can teach Gracie that you don't have to have the best and most expensive things to be happy. Clothes aren't what makes the man, its the man inside that can make the world a happier place. Garren and I shop at Wal Mart, for sales, and we have been given to very generously by family and friends. All of Gracie's clothes are cared for and she is happy. I still love to hunt for the adorable dresses and outfits, although it gets harder and harder to find these things as Gracie's size increases. Its like manufacturers stop making cute clothes after 12 months. But every once in awhile I will find a great one like the sailor suit, and only pay 50 cents to boot! After all, there are far more fun things to do with the money we have--like trips to grandma's or going to the park pool or riding the Clifford ride at the mall. All of these things are much better than an outfit that costs to much and won't fit in 2 months.

So, if any one out there knows of anyone who would like to part with their daughter's baby/toddler clothes let me know, I would be glad to take them off of their hands.

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