Daddies & Daughters

When we first learned that Gracie was going to be a girl I was so happy I could hardly wait to buy her hair bows and frilly dresses. And, after she got here, I knew she was the most beautiful girl in the world and I secretly snickered at all the hearts she would break as she got older. But, after a few weeks, I started to worry about how my husband could bond with her. At first I was worried that he didn't spend enough time holding her and cuddling her, and then later I worried how they would play. As usual my fears were unfounded, but she was a he and how did my husband know how to relate to a little girl?

I am sure he would be the first to admit to you that it wasn't easy trying to bond with Gracie. Oh he loves her to death, and she has him wrapped around her little finger, but he didn't know anything about babies: boys or girls. I guess we women have a head start. Most of us babysat or were put in charge of younger siblings, and most of us are equipped with a maternal instinct. This instinct is not always found in men, and they need help! But after several months of helping change and feed her, the two were forever bonded.

In the beginning it was so easy just to tell him what to do or how to play because I was terrified he wouldn't know how. This was not the way to go. This man had been a loving husband for four years, he had prayed and hoped for this baby as much as I did, and cried with me the minute she was born. Just because he was a "boy" didn't mean he couldn't find a way to relate to our little princess.

Ours is a father-daughter success story. He and Gracie play and relate in a very special way. They play ball and wrestle and read. They share common interests like music and the computer and racing. They can romp and act silly just like any father and son. It took me a long time to realize that he doesn't care that she is a girl, he cares that she's his.

This weekend Garren and Gracie have had a marvelous time. To Gracie, time with daddy is a wonderful treat since she only sees him for a few hours a day. They played at the park and swung on the swings. They watched football and ate popcorn. They played on the computer and rough housed in the living room floor. Those two are quite a pair. They bring out the best in each other and they bring out the best in me. I am very blessed to have two such special people in my life.

pictured above: Garren and Gracie watching amazed as the popcorn pops in the microwave.

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2 Responses to "Daddies & Daughters"

  1. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I've loved seeing the picture of Gracie on your blog and reading your stories! It so makes me want to have a little one to be with all the time...oh yeah, a husband would be nice too! I really admire you for all of the courage that you have to raise your daughter in these crazy times. I think it's so great that you're staying home with her. It really shows a
    great love on your part. I know that having my mom at home all of those years made all of the difference in my life. To know that she was there when I got home, watching what I was watching on tv, monitoring my friends and
    choices, that has made me who I am now (for better or worse!).

  2. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Hi Barb. Gracie is a doll! I hope you're doing well. I know you adore motherhood. It has to be the most wonderful experience ever! Thanks for your emails. I always enjoy reading them.


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