God Bless The Single Mom

Gracie and mommy spent the whole day together today, just us girls. Garren had to leave at 7am this morning for a long day in Alexandria and then Richmond, so he won't be back until 9pm tonight or so.
Gracie and I had a great time; we slept in late, we stayed in our pajamas until after naptime, we went for a walk, we played, read and had our usual fun day. Now, I have no problem keeping up with Gracie, she's wonderful, but a handfull. As usual there were always those frustrating moments, but all in all it was a great day. On a weekday, like today, I don't usually have to do it all by myself. Garren goes to work, but before he leaves, he watches her for 30 minutes while I go to Curves and workout, he gets her dressed and help feeds her breakfast. In the evenings when he comes home, he is sometimes there in time to help entertain her while I finish dinner, he gives her a bath if I ask him, and he rarely ever misses milk and books before bedtime.
While, I am exhausted tonight (I am exhausted every night), I was reminded as I kissed Gracie goodnight (hoping she wouldn't cry because her daddy wasn't there), that there are millions of men and women who take care of their child or children alone. Their situations are all different and they love their children very much, even if the can't spend lots of money or time on them. To me, they are stronger than I could ever be, and very special people.
Since the day we brought Gracie home from the hospital, I often wondered how anyone could do this alone. This tiny little thing depended on me for everything, and I couldn't do it all, not by myself anyway. Each day I thank God for bringing Gracie in to our lives, but tonight I think I will say an extra prayer of thank you. It's one I haven't said in a while, the one where I thank God for sending Garren to me to be such a wonderful husband and father.
**Picture above is from Gracie's first week at home, a time when I needed Garren most***
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