Gracie Throws A Ball

It's a small accomplishment, but we celebrate everything here in Shipley-world. Gracie has been trying to throw the ball and catch the ball, and kick the ball since she could run. So, we celebrate her latest accomplishment.
My smart baby is also working on shapes. She knows, square, circle, star...we are working on triangle. We are also making progress with colors. She knows color words like "yellow," and "red," but she can't put the word with the color yet. Right now she holds up a green crayon and says "yellow." So, we are getting there.
Also, today we walked downtown Strasburg. Don't get too excited, it isn't that big. We saw Daddy at work, and got a drink (and animal crackers) at the Dollar General, and played with a play kitchen that was outside of the kid's second hand store. She fell in love with that kitchen and all the doors and knobs. We may go back and get it for her. They only wanted $8 for it. A new one would be close to $40. We'll see how interested she really is with is, and maybe we'll ask Santa for a nice Fisher Price one. Lately, Gracie has really been fascinated with her play dishes and play food and tea set. But she remains well rounded, she still loves her trucks and building blocks. I think she'll grow up and be able to do anything!
Yeah Gracie, today you threw a ball!!!
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