Christmas Morning

Gracie hopes Santa was as good to you all as he was to her. Santa left her a thank you note for the orange and the milk, and plenty of goodies under the tree.
Gracie was a little overwhelmed at first. Although, the first word's out of her mouth when she saw all of the presents were "Wow! Look at this!" Daddy and I had to slow down a bit, because it was too much all at once. But, after about an hour each of the gifts have been opened.
Her favorite this morning seems to be the "Sing & Learn Chair." Once she figured out how it works, she hasn't left the chair for more than 2 minutes with the exception of breakfast. The play food that Candice & Elliott sent is a close second. She loves to pretend to eat the ice cream cone.
We send special thank you's to family who sent so many special gifts. Santa gave Gracie the chair, a Dora doll, Barney, Baby Bop & BJ stuffies, new placemats, a stuffed elephant, more chalk for her chalkboard, pretend jewelry, puzzles, Thomas the Tank Engine toy, many books, Baby Einstein Dragon puppet, and a bug tunes xylophone. Mamaw and Papaw sent 2 sets of pajamas, a huge alphabet puzzle and "Dick & Jane" books. Aunt Sharon sent an adorable teddy bear and a book. Candice and Elliott were heroes with the play food. Mommy & Daddy gave Gracie Baby McDonald (a Baby Einstein video), "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on The Bed" book, and a Stanley Leap Frog Book.
We hope you all had wonderful Christmas mornings like ours.
Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmas day at home with Gracie. It looks like she has lots of nice presents! Nice family photo too (Garren, nice neck tie)!!