Our Family's Second Christmas Eve

If you were looking forward to a Norman Rockwell, picture perfect Christmas Eve with beautiful music, and a silent night...I am glad you weren't at our house tonight!

Gracie, Garren and I all returned home from Lynchburg late last night. Garren had gotten a tree while we were gone and had put up the lights, but that was the extent of our holiday decoration.

Yesterday, I loaded several boxes of ornaments and decorations from my Aunt Lou's house. That was what I was supposed to do Monday when I went to see her--so, I couldn't leave Lynchburg without fulfilling the last promise I made her. I unwrapped nearly a hundred tiny pieces that had been in storage for years. She had decided several years ago that it was no longer worth the hassle to put up so much Christmas decor. When I was a child I used to be in awe of her home at Christmas, it was like the White House I expect. Wreaths and garlands and beautiful decorations everywhere.

Here at the house, I pulled out the ornaments I remember helping her hang as a child. But, instead of being sad, I seemed to find some peace as if she were watching me remember her and all the wonderful Christmas' we had together. I put red birds all over the house. She loved birds and I found box after box full of tiny crafted birds on wires. This house has never looked so festive.

But, there is where the warm fuzzy moments end. Gracie has been a disaster on wheels today. We had to go grocery shopping since we didn't last week. She was not happy to sit in the cart. But, any one who decided to wake up at 8am after heading to bed around 10pm is likely to get cranky with the holiday crowds. When we got home she refused to take a nap, threw a temper-tantrum, and got into just about everything she knew she shouldn't.

We did attend Christmas Eve services this evening. However, our little princess was not on her best church behavior as usual. Besides talking loudly, demanding froot loops and juice, singing Jingle Bells during communion she decided to ask "Did you poopie?" during a prayer. The church was packed tonight and she was forced to sit on one of our laps, and she was a little gased. We were a lot embarrassed. Although, I guess we only have ourselves to blame, we usually ask her that same question when she has gas.

Anyway, I was able to get a family picture. We ate dinner, eventually, and Gracie "wrote" a note to Santa and left him an orange and a glass of milk. Garren made cookies this evening, but we didn't want her to have any more, so we left an orange.

So, another temper-tantrum later, several time outs and a near tree falling--Gracie is in bed, and we hope that Santa will overlook Gracie's behavior over the past few months.

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