Cold Saturday

It's icing outside as I write this blog entry tonight. It was very cold most of the day today, but we decided to go and watch the Strasburg Christmas parade this evening anyway.

This afternoon we filled our time with a trip to the mall as well as Wal Mart to pick up some more rice for Gracie's "sandbox," and some supplies to make a real Advent wreath. During Gracie's rather late nap, I constructed the Advent wreath out of a glass plate I had (I couldn't find candle holders so I melted the bottom of the candles to the plate), and some fake plastic greenery. Gracie slept so long we were worried we wouldn't make it to the 5:30 parade! But, we woke her up a few minutes after 5 and bundled her up for the chilly spectacle.

She was pretty still during the parade. She seemed interested in the kids and the band that were in the parade, but she didn't giggle or smile--I think she was too cold! But, she did enjoy collecting candy from the parade participants. Following the parade, was the lighting of the town Christmas tree. By this time it is really getting cold, but we stuck it out. The tree was pretty with the lights and I think Gracie enjoyed it. We decided to skip the hot chocolate and Santa at the fire hall and get Gracie home and warmed up. Instead we picked up some Tostidos and salsa for an evening snack. I toasted the corn chips and we three had a picnic in our livingroom floor while watching Christmas specials on the Family Channel.

All in all it was a very cold, but wonderful family day. It is kind of sad that we have lived in this small town for going on three years now, and we have never participated in much of anything. This is the first year we witnessed the parade and tree lighting ceremony, and it was pretty neat--cold--but neat. I certainly hope that we will do it again next year.

As for tomorrow, we had planned on going to church, going to the library, and making some crafts that Candice sent me the directions for--but the ice and possible snow tonight may keep us from leaving the house! Regardless, I am sure we can find some fun family activities.

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