Grocery Store Helper
I had to tell you all about tonight's trip to Wal Mart to get groceries. Gracie has been clingy today and was fussy before we left. I felt her head and she was warm, turned out she had a 99.8 fever. I gave her some Tylenol before we left. Now, I am fairly certain that the fever and crankiness are teeth related. I couldn't get her to eat today, she only wanted cold juice, so I felt safe taking her out to get groceries with us.
Anyway, she wanted mommy to hold her rather than sit in the grocery cart. So, after some snuggling I let her down to walk (she is REALLY heavy!) You should have seen her, she held my hand and pointed to different items naming them all. Then, she got a little more adventurous and I let her put things that we needed in the cart. The smile on her face was so huge! When we got to the produce I let her pick out the tomatoes and put them in the produce baggies. She was so happy that she was getting to help mommy.
While we were in the store and she was walking down the isles, I noticed I could see her belly between her shirt and pants. I kept tugging at the shirt, and soon realized that it was not bunched up--it was too small! I asked Garren if he noticed it this morning when he dressed her, and he said it was fine then, and she had to have grown during the day. Well, another size down the drain. Socks were already on the grocery list because the old ones were leaving tight rings around her ankles--so, we threw in a couple 4T shirts and pants we found on clearance for $2. This child is really growing. Please keep in mind she still has three months until she is 2!! So, now Gracie is in size 4T clothes, size 8 shoes and size 6 diapers. It looks like I will have to make another shopping run. I shouldn't complain, she is a happy healthy toddler and we love her so much. Plus, when she is 10 she will probably be taller than me and she can reach the top shelves.
Anyway, she wanted mommy to hold her rather than sit in the grocery cart. So, after some snuggling I let her down to walk (she is REALLY heavy!) You should have seen her, she held my hand and pointed to different items naming them all. Then, she got a little more adventurous and I let her put things that we needed in the cart. The smile on her face was so huge! When we got to the produce I let her pick out the tomatoes and put them in the produce baggies. She was so happy that she was getting to help mommy.
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