Happy 2006

From email 1/1/06:

Family & Friends:

Garren, Gracie and I would like to wish you all a very happy and healthy 2006. 2005 for the Shipley family was full of adventures, heartaches, fun and parental trial-by-error...and of course love. And, this next year will likely have the same to offer.

Our little Gracie isn't quite so little any more. The 5th of January she will turn 22 months. Only a few more months before her second birthday. These days our princess looks more like a four year old. She is in 4t clothes, size 6 diapers, and size 8 shoes! She is absolutely beautiful too. We have been working on potty training, and she has the concept--but apparently not the time to take away from playing :) Gracie's newest things are dressing herself and "reading." She can put her shirts on with very little help, and as she demonstrated tonight: can put her pants on with little to no help. She also likes to complete her outfits with several layers of colorful jewelry.

She has already read one book. It was a board book with one sentence per page. She read it to herself (the exact sentence on each page) earlier this month while I was in the room. She probably memorized it--but I am proud anyway. We always read books before bedtime and for the past week, she insits on "reading" the books to us after we have finished. It sounds like garble with a few words snuck in. But, the neat part is the words that you can understand, go along with that particular page! We are so proud of her and smart she continues to be. I think our weekly treks to the library have really paid off.

I am sending some of my favorite pictures from December. I hope you enjoy them. I have plenty more pictures, and day to day goings on of Gracie on our blog http://allaboutgracie.blogspot.com/. Feel free to visit anytime and leave a comment so we know you were there.

Anyway, we wish you all the best for 2006, and we hope that you will stay in touch with us. We want this year to be full of family and friends.

Our love to you all,
Barbara, Garren & Gracie Shipley

PS: We would love to know what you and your families want to do in 2006, you can email us or post it on the blog. It will be fun to tell Gracie what other people want to do this year as we make our list. I was going to make it tonight, but Gracie is still getting over a bad cold that she has passed on to Garren & I. Since Garren is off tomorrow maybe we will make it then. And, of course I will post it. ***(Please post to this blog entry)***

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1 Response to "Happy 2006"

  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    thanks for the good wishes and i send them to you and yours also. happy new year, 2006.


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