Meet Gracie

This year one of our families resolutions is to get to know our family and friends better, I mean more than just the outer layer. So, to be fair, I thought that perhaps we should let you know more about us. Garren will never go along with this, so, I will start with Gracie.

Meet Tabitha Grace Shipley, "Gracie" for short

born: March 5, 2004, she is 22 months
hair: brown
eyes: brown (so far)
best friend: a giant stuffed Clifford
favorite tv show: toss up between Barney and Clifford
favorite book: "Don't Wake The Baby" by Dawn Apperly (we are desperately trying to find it so we can buy it for her birthday, we usually just check it out from the library once a month)
favorite movie: Baby Einstein's Baby Noah
favorite food: spaghetti/ice cream

Gracie is an adorable toddler who loves to smile and laugh. Her favorite pastimes include: playing in the sandbox, being the engineer with her new train, as well as reading anything and everything. She is an accomplished xylophonist, but she also moonlights as a fashion consultant. She can show you the best in play jewelry or let you try on an array of hats and glasses. She is an expert tickler, and she secretly loves to give hugs, although you have to catch yours quick because she will be off in a flash to the next fun activity. She is very creative and loves to color. She and mommy have a great time making crafts together. (Today we made a mobile of stars and beads and the moon and hung it up--she just giggled, and giggled!!!)

Gracie's hero's include her daddy, and she is still young enough to know that a kiss will make a boo-boo stop hurting. She has her addictions though; life with out gi-gi (her pacifier) would be really tough, and she still can't give up diapers, but she is trying hard to quit :)

Her favorite games are peak-a-boo, and hide and seek. She is a quick learner and a wonderful singer. Her favorite tunes are "Twinkle Twinkle," and "Old Mac Donald."

That is just a little bit about our "little bit," I hope that this gives you a peak in to the life and times of Gracie.

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