Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Finally, all three Shipley's are on the mend. It took a week for each of us to really feel better, even though we all still have those after-illness effects like a runny nose and cough. Thank you to all of you who called and emailed your get-well wishes, they were much appreciated.
I decided to test my energy level yesterday by getting back in the swing of things. I made 6 trips to the basement storage unit to put up Christmas decorations and various baby things, did 4 loads of laundry, cooked and cleaned up from lunch and dinner, gave Gracie a bath, vacuumed twice, caught up on the pile of dishes we had accumulated while we were sick, straightened up the house, mopped the floors, went to the post office, and I still found the energy to color and do shapes with Gracie. Its good to be back!
The weather here has been beautiful for the past two days. Yesterday it was sunny and 70, today sunny and 60 or so. Gracie and I took a walk to the mailbox this afternoon, a trip we haven't taken in several months because of the cold or bad weather. Gracie was so excited to see outside--she took off running for the mailbox and wasn't excited about having to come in. I wish I had taken my camera with us--oh well. It is supposed to be pretty the rest of the week, so maybe we can return to the great outdoors again tomorrow.
Besides our "walk," Gracie and I spent the afternoon learning words. I printed off 27 site-words for her room and glued them to bright orange paper and taped them to items around her room. They included: crib, book, shelf, TV, window, diapers, blocks, puzzles, puppets, get the idea. I am hoping that she will start associating the written word for the object. Gracie already loves to "read." Each night after we read to her for bedtime, she reads the book back to us. Besides being precious, she really gets a grasp of the story. She can tell you a few distinguishable words about each page. I can't wait until my camera finally gets here so I can video it!
Garren ordered me a camera for Christmas from Dell almost a month ago. They have lost it twice, not re-ordered it once...and I am still not sure what is going on.
Anyway, Gracie and I are happy to be up and moving again. She seems to have more energy than ever before. She talks a mile-a-minute and doesn't stop going! On the positive side, she is sleeping very well, taking a good nap, and is for the most part very well behaved.
We wish you all a very happy week. Let us know what is going on in your lives!
***Picture from yesterday. Gracie enjoyed our brief trip outside as we went to get stamps and mail thank you's at the Strasburg post office. I thought she really dressed for the occassion!****
So happy to hear you are all feeling better!!! Enjoy the nice weather. Gracie, I love your hair style!!
ReplyDeleteLove you all, Aunt Sharon