Frustrating Weekend

She looks cute doesn't she? That adorable little smile, the way she holds her precious!

HA! That's what you think! :) The beautiful weather this weekend was marred by a cranky toddler on a mission to ruin it for the rest of us. Friday through today (even as we speak), Gracie has been practically unbearable. She has thrown multiple temper tantrums, fought and fought us over naps, won't eat....the list goes on.

The worst part is, you get so mad at her you practically can't stand it, and just when you can't take any more--she's fine. I believe this is some sort of parental test. Kind of like those standardized tests kids have to take at the end of each school year. Now that gracie is two, we are being tested to see if we have retained everything we learned.

Because of Gracie's difficulty and inability to take a nap, I still haven't gotten to take her to JC Penney's and have birthday pictures done, and she still hasn't gotten to go to Toys R Us (where they do a little birthday thing for the kids, like a balloon and announce their names).

So, this is how the weekend has gone. The picture above was from one of the peaceful moments before we headed out to church. Clearly the service didn't phase her, because she is throwing a temper tantrum for her Daddy, who is again trying to get her to take a nap.

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1 Response to "Frustrating Weekend"

  1. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Okay, forget the neighbors! Now you are providing free birth control out of state! Thanks! I am sure Elliott really appreciates it. Ha!


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