Gracie's Birthday Dress

I wanted to show off Gracie's birthday dress that she got this year from Aunt Lou and Grandma. Lou had started smocking several dresses for Gracie, but since her hands weren't as steady as they had been, she asked mom to actually sew the dress together. This was the first one mom finished, and just in time for Gracie's birthday. How wonderful it was to have Lou still be apart of Gracie's special days.

Mom also brought a small crocheted yellow afghan that Lou made for Gracie when she was born. But, since she had already given me several other quilts, she was holding on to this one for a later date. What a precious gift for us both.

Grandma did an excellent job getting the dress finished, and I love it! I can't wait to take Gracie to Penney's to get her birthday photos done.

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2 Responses to "Gracie's Birthday Dress"

  1. Congratulations, you have a beautiful daughter, I can see that she is all your life.
    Definitely, I hope that you are happy everyday.

  2. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Beautiful dress for a beautiful little girl!!!

    Love you lots,

    Aunt Sharon


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