Teary Goodbye

I knew there would come a day when Gracie would start to form bonds with other members of the family besides Garren and I. It is easy when they are infants to pass them around like footballs to family and watch their faces light up and not know the difference when you load up and go home. While I am still not sure Gracie understands the concept of time (I am pretty sure she is still in the "out of sight, out of mind phase" except when it comes to me), she has started to figure out that we can't see people anytime we want.

I noticed last trip to mom and dad's, that Gracie was leary of saying goodbye to them, and she would get upset when Mariah would leave. But, this weekend was an eye opener.

On Sunday afternoon, I told Gracie that grandma and grandpa would have to leave soon. It took about 2 minutes to sink in, and then when grandpa put her on his lap she broke out into tears. I could tell by the look on her face she understood that it would be a while before she would see them again, and she didn't want them to leave. She had a wonderful time while they were here. They played and did all sorts of things together, including buying and playing with a huge ball from Walmart that mommy and daddy wouldn't let her have.

She ran to me still crying. After a few minutes she got down and went in her room to hide. I think in her mind, if she doesn't tell you goodbye, you can't leave. We coaxed her back out and told her she needed to give grandma and grandpa goodbye hugs and kisses, and the tears re-surfaced. She finally hugged grandma, but wouldn't hug grandpa. We told her she would see them again very soon, and dad picked her up. She hugged and held him so tight and wouldn't let him put her down. Grandpa got lots of hugs and kisses before he begrudgently gave her up.

It broke Garren's and my heart to watch her say goodbye. It has been hard living so far from family, but we weren't ready for the impact that it would have on Gracie some day. She seems fine today, but she wouldn't take a nap yesterday after they left, and she was quite difficult until bedtime.

We knew her little heart was hurting. And, that's why it is so important to us that we visit as often as we can. Mom and Dad make such an effort to stay connected to Gracie. They call and email, send her cards and kisses, they visit us and we visit them. I am so thankful for everything they do for Gracie, and for us--besides laundry quarters!

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1 Response to "Teary Goodbye"

  1. Anonymous12:25 PM

    We know how you feel! I was really hard on Grandpa and I to leave you too! Have fun with your train and new toys. We can hardly wait until we get to see you again. Hugs and kisses. We love you!!!!


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