Gracie Turns Two

Dear Friends & Family:
Gracie had a wonderful second birthday, or so it seems. Garren says it was more like a "birthday weekend extravaganza." But, I say there is nothing wrong with celebrating your only daughter's birth. On Thursday we had a little party with two mom's and daughters here in our apartment. I made a ton of homemade decorations from a pack of construction paper, including paper hats! I made cookies and cool aid and made little gift baggies for the guests to take home. This year's birthday theme was barnyard, and Gracie seemed to really enjoy it. On Saturday, mom and dad came down and completely spoiled her! We had birthday cake and Gracie was adorable in her jean dress and red cowboy hat. Mostly she got pieces to go with the Geo Tracks train set she got for Christmas, but she also got some other fun goodies and clothes. She had a great time with Daddy and Grandpa as they played with the trains. There are now two trains, so Daddy and Gracie can each have one to operate (I am not sure who enjoys the toy more! :) Grandma and Grandpa also took her to dinner at the Ponderosa Steak House.
Since today was her technical birthday, we spent the day playing and then we took her to La Carretta for a birthday dinner. She loves Mexican almost as much as her mommy! She filled up on salsa and chips, but saved some room for her quesadilla and Spanish rice. Grandma and Grandpa left about 3 today to a much teary-eyed Gracie.
All in all Gracie had a marvelous time. She has grown so much in the past year. She is now 37 inches tall! She remains in the 99th percentile for height. My big girl. And, she is doing so many neat things. She is trying so hard to jump, but just can't quite get both feet off the ground. She is very witty, and makes us laugh with the things she says like: "Aww, com'on momma--please!" Or like the other day when Garren changed her she said "fresh as a daisy!" She is such a doll.
Thank you to those of you who sent cards and gifts, we love that you remembered her on her special day. I have included a few pictures, but here is a link to more. You can find out more about what Gracie is doing these days, along with more pictures on her blog.
Our love to you all! Let us know how you are doing!
Barbara, Garren & Gracie
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