Gracie Gets An "A"

Thank you to those of you who sent well wishes to me, and sympathy wishes to Garren, as I suffered this weekend from what I believe was food poisoning. I was out of commission from Saturday 7am until late last night (Sunday). I am still pretty week and I have to sit down if I try and do too much, and the stomach pains haven't completely stopped--but I am tons better than I was in those grave Saturday hours.
On to today. Gracie and I had a good time making up for lost time. We ran a few errands, and since she didn't get to go to the park as promised this weekend, I took her for a few minutes before our lunch today. We grabbed a sub from subway, and had storytime and naptime. After we both woke up, I decided to pull out some of the Pre-K workbooks I have accumulated over the past few months (thanks Vicki & Mom!). To my surprise Gracie was able to do the work...well sort of.
The first page I worked with was shapes and matching items to their shape. Gracie and I went over the two shapes and I gave her the choices for each item. For example, one page was circles and squares. There were pictures of an apple, sandwich, lollipop..etc. Amazingly Gracie identified what shape each item was. I was very impressed! We did two of these pages, and then I let her color them. Afterwards, I thought I would try one of the alphabet pages. It had those three lined spaces for practicing drawing your letters. We started with "A." I took her hand and put a crayon in it and helped her trace the shape. "Up, down, across" I told her. We practiced several times, and then I let her color because I didn't want to push her, I just thought maybe it would stick and it would help her later on. While she was coloring she started to make little tepees. On one of the later ones she said "up, down, across!" I scanned in that particular drawing so you could see it. (I circled what looks like an "A" to me!)
Garren says it was probably a fluke, and maybe it was...but I could see the wheels turning in her head while she was making these lines. Then again, I am always impressed with Gracie! But, I won't be turning in her college applications yet...unless they will supply the diapers and give her 30 minute "binki-breaks."
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad you are feeling better! Also, I'm really glad Gracie's cognitive skills did not suffer while you were indisposed. By the way, the "picture" is definately an "A".