Oh No! Not Again!

She can't really be growing any more can she? Did I give birth to the jolly green giant, and her pigment is waiting until adulthood to kick in? Will I really have to buy her Depends?!

It appears that little Gracie is growing again...or at least stocking up for the big growth spurt she will side-swipe us with in a week or two. How do I know? Well, first we just got her a bunch of new clothes, a new pair of shoes and two packages of socks. Secondly, she is eating like she's afraid we will run out.

For those of you keeping score: Gracie is two years old and 3 months now. She is in clothing size 5T, yes, you heard me right 5T. She wears size 91/2 shoes, and is in the largest size diapers and training pants they make (size 6). At last measurement she was 37 inches tall (that's over 3 feet). I haven't weighed her in a while...but I am betting she is close to 40 pounds. Oh, and all four of her 5 year molars have broken through. Yes, she now has all of her teeth, a process that is supposed to take 5+ years.

Now, if you don't have a little one at home, or it has been a while, allow me to compare a little. First clothing sizes are an approximation of age: (2T= 2 year olds, 3T= 3 year olds). This scale doesn't always work, but it is close. So basically, Gracie is wearing clothes meant for a 5 year old...which also explains my constant frustration when it comes to finding appropriate clothes. I will spare you my soap box speech on how people are dressing kids like tweens, and tweens like 16 year olds, etc. But, it is difficult to find a cute smocked dress in Gracie's size.

Another comparison that may shock you. Gracie's cousin Mariah is 8 1/2 and a little tall for her age, is wearing size 9/10 clothes, and size 1 girls shoes. The two cousins who are 6 years apart, are also 2 clothing sizes apart (6x & 7/8) and 3 shoe sizes apart. Did I mention they wear the same sized socks!

Surely she can't grow much more can she? It is already very difficult (and painful to my back) to pick her up for long periods of time or to swing her or let her climb into my lap. She is only 2, and I feel robbed of some special moments. But, on the plus side she is still very sweet and loving and gives mommy plenty of hugs and kisses.

For those of you who may not know Gracie, I don't think there is an ounce of fat on her! She is very well proportioned, she is just as they say "a big girl." And, she eats pretty healthy. Lots of fruits and vegetables, not too much sugar. Although, she loves snack foods and we are trying to cut back a little on those (popcorn, chips, crackers, pretzels, etc.) To give you an idea of what she is eating these days though--yesterday she ate 2 waffles with syrup, a Blue Clue's banana yogurt, a handful of dinosaur crackers, half of my left over sweet & sour chicken I was saving for lunch, 2 slices of cheese, a whole bun length hot dog, 1/2 cup cold peas, 1/4c applesauce, a small salad and the popsicle her daddy let her have after dinner!!!

I certainly hope she levels out soon! Maybe we better ask the Labor Day fairy for one of those small chest freezers so we can stock up now.

PS: Gracie finally went piddle in her new Royal Potty! She got a potty sticker and was very proud--you may congratulate her in the comments section if you would like.

**That's my little half-pint of led eating a Blue's Clue's banana yogurt this afternoon...I have no idea where she puts it! She remains at the 90th-99th percentile in her height and weight, where she has been since she was born***

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1 Response to "Oh No! Not Again!"

  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Way to go Gracie !!!!!!!! Going to the potty- that's great! Grandpa and Grandma are very proud of you.


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