Single parent day

A nasty bug or bad burrito got hold of Barbara this morning, and she's been out of commission ever since. She's in bed, hardly able to move until the desire present an offering to the bathroom idol is over.

It may be that she has the same affliction that got hold of me en route from Limestone to Strasburg. If so, it's short lived but miserable. She's getting better quickly, so I'm convinced she's on the mend.

Regardless, that means its Daddy-Daughter Day!

Gracie's down for a nap right now (playing her xylophone, no less). But we have cleaned the kitchen together, gone shopping together, played with paper plates and had story time, all while juggling diapers, traffic and food.

I love my daughter. Get well soon, Barbara. Please, please, please get well soon... :)

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1 Response to "Single parent day"

  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Oh Barbara, I hope you feel better really soon. I hate to puke! (Well I am assuming that's what you are doing). #1 Fear-Dentist #2 Fear- vomitting!!!! I'll pray for you! Try some dry toast and plain white rice when you feel like it. That's what the ER recommended for Elliott when he had the horrible pukes and crippling poopies! (only we don't say poopies at our house) Take good care of her Garren! Spray her with some Lysol so Gracie doesn't get it.


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