Gracie's First Story Time

...well at the library at least.

Going to the library is one of our favorite things to, but we usually just get our 30 books and go home. Gracie some times does some puzzles or plays with the stuffed animals around the children's room while I look for interesting titles. But, we have never really taken advantage of what they have to offer.

Several times over the past 2 years I have picked up one of the fliers they have stacked neatly about storytimes and summer reading, and I always take them home--but find plenty of excuses not to take Gracie: "she's too young," "she would fuss or cry," "I would have to rush to get her ready in time to get there."

This week I decided that Gracie, and our family, needed to push past our borders and try to get more involved. I told the family we would get up, get ready and go to pre-school storytime this morning at 11. And we did.

Gracie sat still and was very patient. She loved to listen to the woman who read the stories, and she giggled at the puppets who sang some songs. But, when it came to the cute movement parts that went along with some of the songs and a story, Gracie would have nothing to do with it. She sat in my lap, and would cry if I tried to move her arms or fingers like the other kids. I decided that this was her first time, and maybe next time she would be more active.

When we left the library (with some new books in tow), Garren was surprised at how shy Gracie was. I'm not. I worry about her a little bit. She needs to be around other people, and especially other kids. I have searched for a "Mommy & Me" group of any kind---but there aren't any here. Garren and I remembered how painfully shy we were as kids, and we hope that she will be able overcome that. But, if not, we know she will be okay--look how we turned out! :)

**Yes, I took a picture--don't you know me by now ;) Anyway, you will see Gracie sitting on Garren's lap to the far right. These other kids were obviously veterans of storytime and they had a great time. Gracie enjoyed watching them do the fun activities, even if she decided to sit on the sidelines.**

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1 Response to "Gracie's First Story Time"

  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    You are right Barbara! I once was the little shy kid who wouldn't go to Sunday School without mama...but look at me now. I am the motormouth that all the unsociable people flee in fear that they might have to talk. She'll grow out of it...maybe sooner than you'd like for her too.


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