Weekend With Grandma & Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit us...well Gracie...this weekend as they caught up with their classmates during a 30th reunion. Tells you how old they are huh! Then again, it tells you how old I am too--my 10th high school reunion is this fall!

Mom and Dad graduated from the now non-existent Wardensville High School in West Virginia which is about 30 minutes from us, so they decided to turn their reunion, in to a Gracie reunion as well.

Gracie got to play a little with them yesterday before and after their "party," and was very excited that Grandpa drove all the way to Gracie's house to do puzzles.

This morning we caught up with them again and joined them for breakfast at the Cracker Barrel, and then did a little shopping. Gracie now has quite the little Old Navy wardrobe. I guess that makes her "in-style." She was previously a Wal-Mart baby, I certainly hope she doesn't get to uppity now and demand designer jeans :)

This evening we went to dinner and then took Grandma and Grandpa to see the ducks. She got some play time with them to before heading off to bed.

Mom and Dad will head back to Lynchburg early tomorrow morning, and I will likely have a pouting toddler on my hands. But, rest assured I am sure we will see them again soon.

PS: Remember me mentioning that Gracie was in the largest size training pants? Well, they are way to small. We are now using Goodnights, a brand of training pants made primarily for older children who still wet the bed from time to time! I hope the potty training gets back on track soon. We have suffered quite the set back. She wants nothing to do with the potty. I checked up on it, and this happens with toddlers all the time. Experts say not to push it, and take cues from your child when they are ready to try again. Cross your fingers for us.

**Picture of the three while at the "duck pond" at Jim Barnett Park in Winchester.**

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