Hey We're Back!

Okay I kinda forgot to blog that Gracie and I were headed to Tennessee last week to spend a week with my friend Candice (she's Garren's cousin, but more my friend :). We had an awesome week, just us girls. We left Garren behind to earn the much welcomed money, and Candice's husband Elliott was at a week long teacher's conference in Murfreesboro. I can't tell you every little thing that happened--stop sighing in relief! So, I will sum up.
Day 1 (Monday)
6 hour drive, toddler in the car...you do the math. When we finally got to Greene County, TN we met Candice at the Subway to get our dinner. Gracie treated Candice like a long lost friend, and let her get her out of the car seat and held her hand as they went in to the restaurant! Gracie has always taken right to both Candice and Elliott since I can remember. Anyway, we get our dinner and take it back to the house and play with Lucie, Candice's year old Schnauser. To finish up our evening Candice took Gracie to their garden (looked more like a farm to me) to pick tomatoes, which Gracie adored!

Day 2 (Tuesday)
We spent much of the day playing with toys and of course Lucie. But, we found some time to take a break and swim in the pool. It was amazingly hot all week with temperatures reaching 96 nearly every day. We picked some more veggies, and dined on fresh corn and tomatoes and more. We also made a visit to see Gracie's great-grandpa Charles, Uncle Joe and Aunt Gail.Gracie's cranky day! We drive the hour to Johnson City to take Gracie to the Hands on museum to play. I am guessing she was just so sleep deprived, but either way, she was a cranky terror the entire time we were there! We stayed about an hour or so and had to leave. While we were there she did find a few things that she enjoyed like the piano, and especially the pretend grocery store. We were hoping that a nap would help--but she remained cranky the rest of the day. We decided to over look her cranky disposition and took her back to the pool. We rode down to the pool on the 4-wheeler and when we got to the water, Gracie didn't want to get off! She wanted to "ride again." I got her in the water and she ended up having a good time.
Sleep day. Poor Gracie was so tired and cranky. She slept in late and I put her down for a nap a couple of hours later. She sleep for 3 hours! The day was pretty much shot, but she woke up in a decent mood so we took her to the playground at Garren's old Elementary school. She had plenty of fun, and then to top off the evening we picked up hot fudge sundaes from McDonald's drive thru and ate them outside at Candice's on the picnic table. We picked plenty more veggies too.

Our best day! We decided the night before to take Gracie back to Johnson City to play. We ate our breakfast and headed out the door. We took her to Fun Adventure and we played and had a great time for about an hour and a half. Then we went and got bar-be-que (my favorite!) from Smoky Bones--it was really good. After our delicious lunch we headed to a used book store (like you are surprised!), and I got several good titles. It was starting to get cloudy, but Gracie was still in a good mood and I really wanted to see my friends and former co-workers at WJHL. So , we headed to the station and I was surprised to see everyone remembered me :) Seriously though, some of us still stay in touch and it was great to see them all after such a long time. Gracie was bashful, but she didn't cry--I think it was because of all the TV's! We picked up ice cream on the way home, which I let Gracie eat in car seat (believe it or not no mess!). When we finally got back it was too late to try a nap, so Gracie stayed up and had a little dinner and played with toys and Lucie. I had to put her to bed at 8, and she was gone by 8:05. She missed seeing Elliott come home, but she needed the rest.
Day 6 (Saturday)

I wasn't exactly sure what to expect, but Gracie seemed to have a great time. There was so much going on and so many kids and loud music that she was too distracted to eat her pizza. She did go and play many, many games with Papaw and Uncle Luke, although her favorite part was apparently putting the tokens in the machine! Before I could get the machine to count all of Gracie's tickets, Papaw had already bought her a stuffed Chuck E. Cheese doll! So, she got a Dora magnet too, and Uncle Luke bought her a pretend jewelry set. She isn't spoiled is she ;)
The ride back was interesting. Gracie was sound asleep 10 minutes in to the trip, but when she woke up there was plenty of whining and demanding. We made it home 6 hours, one really messy ice cream cone, a Subway dinner, and 4 or 5 thunderstorms later. We were safe and sound and much missed by a daddy.
Here are more pictures from Tennessee. I took a ton, but I was only able to post pictures where Candice has on makeup and isn't in her pajamas! ;)
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